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2001年富邦金融控股公司正式掛牌上市,成為台灣首家成立的金融控股公司之一,富邦金控是由富邦產物保險以營業讓與方式轉換成立,而富邦產物係成立於1961年4月19日,富邦經營的觸角不斷延伸至證券、銀行、人壽保險、投信、富邦行銷、資產管理、投顧、期貨、創投、創投管顧,成為台灣最完整的金融服務集團;同時,富邦金控也領頭併購大型官股銀行,並且是第一家進入香港併購銀行的台灣業者,2008年廈門銀行參股案為台灣首家金控間接參股大陸銀行之金融機構,亦於同年併購安泰人壽,讓富邦在經營規模和建構區域金融平台上,都取得最佳策略地位。 2005年,富邦金控啟動「Project One」組織重整專案,將旗下各子公司,依照客戶導向成立企業金融、金融市場、消費金融、財富管理、投資管理及保險等六大事業群,以「事業群」為營運主體,並強化金控端之管理功能及建置資源共享之資訊和作業平台,以提供更完整、更優質、更適合大眾需要的金融全產品,使得富邦金控不僅成為台灣第一,更是亞洲一流金融機構,我們將依循這個願景,為所有客戶、股東和員工共同創造最大的價值。 富邦專業殊榮 2009 •歐元雜誌 Euromoney 富邦金控 「台灣最佳銀行」 •金融亞洲雜誌FinanceAsia 富邦金控「台灣金融業最佳公司管理」、「台灣金融業最佳公司治理」、「台灣金融業最佳投資人關係」、「台灣金融業最佳企業社會責任」、「台灣最佳股利配發承諾」、「台灣最佳券商」、「台灣最佳投資銀行」 •財資雜誌 The Asset 台北富邦銀行「最佳現金管理銀行」、「台灣最佳衍生性金融商品銀行」 •亞元雜誌 Asiamoney 富邦金控「最佳本地銀行」 富邦金控「最佳本地券商」 富邦金控「台灣最佳本地私人銀行」 富邦金控 「最佳本地外匯交易銀行」 •亞洲公司治理雜誌 Corporate Governance Asia 富邦金控「亞洲地區最佳公司治理獎」 •遠見雜誌 富邦金控「最佳金控形象」第二名 •資安人雜誌 富邦金控「第二屆資安貢獻獎」 •第十一屆保險信望愛獎 富邦保險「最佳保險專業獎」、「最佳商品創意獎」、「最佳保險教育貢獻獎」、「最佳通訊處獎-信義營業部、敦化分公司」 富邦人壽 「最佳保險專業獎」、「最佳通路策略獎」、「最佳整合傳播獎-2008年贊助臺北國際馬拉松系列活動」、「最佳通訊獎-富宣通訊處」、「最佳專業顧問獎」、「最佳保險成就獎」 2008 •歐元雜誌 Euromoney 富邦金控「亞洲區金融業最佳公司管理」「台灣區最佳公司管理」 台北富邦銀行 「台灣區最佳財富管理銀行」 •亞洲財經雜誌 FinanceAsia 富邦證券「台灣最佳券商」 •亞元雜誌 Asiamoney 富邦證券「最佳本地券商」 •財團法人中小企業信用保證基金 台北富邦銀行「96年度火鳳凰催收獎勵專案之催收成長獎、優良獎」 •中華徵信所-2008年台灣地區大型企業排名TOP 5000 富邦人壽『人壽保險業-第五名』 •第十屆保險信望愛獎 富邦人壽「最佳通路策略獎」、「最佳專業顧問獎」、「最佳社會貢獻獎」富邦保險「最佳保險專業獎」、「最佳商品創意獎」、「最佳通訊處獎」、「最佳專業顧問獎」
瑞豐德永集團于2008年成立,總部位於香港,是全球領先的一站式商業服務提供商。在北京、上海、廣州、深圳等城市設有12家公司,擁有一支超200名的會計、金融、稅務等高級顧問團隊。 業務涵蓋海外架構設計、會計財稅、國際貿易、銀行開戶、投資移民、財富傳承、行政秘書、商業解決方案等 ,業務遍及全球20多個國家及地區,已為全球4萬多名客戶提供一站式商業解決方案及顧問服務。 Richful Deyong Group was established in 2008, headquartered in Hong Kong. The Group is one of the world's leading one-stop business service providers. We have 12 branches in the Mainland China, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc. We have more than 200 professionals in Accounting, Finance and Taxation sectors. We provide services including Overseas Organizational Structure, Accounting and Taxation, International Trade, Bank Accounting Opening, Overseas Investment & Immigration, Wealth Planning, Administrative Secretaries, Business Solutions etc. We have business in more than 20 countries and regions and have served for 40,000 global clients.
Skyline7 International Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2010. Some identify us as an apparel purchasing/sourcing company, some see us as an apparel brand management company, and the rest just think we’re just another for-profit retailer. Yes, we have our own apparel brands (see 7age, Bilancia, Neoclassics), yes we have our own production team, and yes we are here to make a profit – but we aren’t just that. We like to view ourselves as the leaders of the New Age Thinkers– inspiring and encouraging everyone to continuously come up with innovative and creative ideas that benefits the world. Skyline7 was founded on one simple idea ~ "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is Reality." – John Lennon. It’s ok to dream out loud...we’re listening.
Yiman Infotek is continue to grow during the past three year, and crossing to several fields. Base on multimedia interactive design, we have gathered strength and self-training to increase high quality to service in all kind of corporations in Taiwan. Our main business is the web development which involves two groups: Visual Art Design Dept and IT Dept. This year, we are going to combine other expertise to increase our services which are BTOB, BTOC, and CTOC. The new business line will be intensive integrated of developing mobile phone video and corporate with internet server to clients. If you are the one who wants a stage to prove your skill or need an environment to mature your skill, please submit your resume and join us as possible. 本公司是專注於IT產業多媒體互動軟體研發設計 1. 主業務為互動軟體規劃包含企業External and Intranet 系統整合、視覺UI設計,、多媒體設計 2. 次業務為網站設計、平面印刷設計、及3D建模 A.) 網站設計: 包含各大中小企業網站前台視覺設計,及後台系統規劃。研發技術以 HTML, XML, CSS, FLASH AS, ASP.NET, ASP, SQL2005, PHP5, MYSQL, and others relative B.) 平面設計: 包含 CS 系統設計,平面規劃設計到包裝設計 C.) 著重於Maya 3D 建模及運用於網路3D 3. 藉由科技與藝術創作的結合,品牌行銷搭配互動多媒體及網路行銷,更為廣泛及應用,進而提更高層次的品牌形。 如以有相關人員請投遞履歷到 [email protected] 或者經由518
www.weblisher.com.tw # 累積超過 8000個以上的網路行銷個案經驗,提供客戶一次購足的網路行銷概念,滿足客戶對網路行銷的肯定及支持 Accumulated experience over 8000 internet marketing cases; Provide customers with the concept of one step shopping and to satisfy customer with the recognition and support to internet marketing # 將客戶預算轉換成最大化之行銷與媒體效益,精確地掌握每一分錢的流向,衡量到每一分錢的效果 Maximize the customer budget into marketing and media benefits; Accurately grasp the flow of every penny and measure the effect of every penny.
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
TomLong was established in 2004, first as a trading company. The company was primarily involved in the buy-and-sell of TPU resin, film, coated fabrics and TPU-related finished products. With our extensive knowledge in TPU manufacturing and application, we also provided consultation to new TPU users. Due to the high demand of TPU-coated fabrics and a lack of qualified laminators in Taiwan and the rest of Asia, TomLong put together a group of experienced engineers and constructed the new laminating factory in 2005 in order to concentrate full-time in TPU lamination. Although the company hasn’t long history, the members of the engineering team have been engaged in the TPU/PU coating laminating production for more then fifteen years. Some core members came from Na Ya Plastic, the largest plastic company in Taiwan; others came from Coating Chemical, a well-known TPU resin and PU base-adhesive manufacturer. Due to the rich integration of our previous experience, TomLong is able to specialize in waterproof / breathable coating and TPU film lamination. Thanks to our array of diverse, high-quality products, we have been successful in the outdoors, medical, marine and many other industries.
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
floating between architecture and interior spaces, wondering from landscape to graphics, a company with simple vision yet not compromising design with local sociological perceptions. we celebrate design/ build process with ecological friendly applications/ materiality without excessive "over-design". it is not a revolution but just try to do the things right, one project at a time!! 由旅歐美日的設計精英組成的專業團隊, 追求環保生態, 不與社會主流價值妥協, 不過度設計, 只想一次一件把事情做好, 你如果認同我們且保有設計熱忱, 歡迎加入我們的行列!
About C & C Tech Computer & Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (C & C Tech) was founded in March 1983 and started from the dealership of key components, such as Conductive Compounds, Microprocessor (μP) and Digital Signal Processor (DSP). In 1991, expend its market scale to LCD and LCM...etc. product lines. C & C Tech has successfully served and cooperated with lots of well-known corporate. Due to the importance and convenience of Information Appliance (IA) products for the future life, C & C Tech set up the Product Development & Application Division and devoted into the research and development of Embedded System and Device. To enter the new market - IA industry, we position ourselves for the Provider of IA Products, Software and Hardware Solutions. C & C Techs mission is continuing the development of superior and creative technologies, enhancing products added value in IA field, and also to create benefits to society.
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